template<class T, class U>
// T -> node, U->update.
struct Lsegtree{
ll n;
T identity_element;
U identity_update;
Definition of identity_element: the element I such that combine(x,I) = x
for all x
Definition of identity_update: the element I such that apply(x,I) = x
for all x
Lsegtree(ll n, T identity_element, U identity_update){
this->n = n;
this->identity_element = identity_element;
this->identity_update = identity_update;
lazy.assign(4*n, identity_update);
T combine(T l, T r){
// change this function as required.
T ans = (l + r);
return ans;
void buildUtil(ll v, ll tl, ll tr, vector<T>&a){
if(tl == tr){
st[v] = a[tl];
ll tm = (tl + tr)>>1;
buildUtil(2*v + 1, tl, tm,a);
buildUtil(2*v + 2,tm+1,tr,a);
st[v] = combine(st[2*v + 1], st[2*v + 2]);
// change the following 2 functions, and you're more or less done.
T apply(T curr, U upd, ll tl, ll tr){
T ans = (tr-tl+1)*upd;
// increment range by upd:
// T ans = curr + (tr - tl + 1)*upd
return ans;
U combineUpdate(U old_upd, U new_upd, ll tl, ll tr){
U ans = old_upd;
return ans;
void push_down(ll v, ll tl, ll tr){
//for the below line to work, make sure the "==" operator is defined for U.
if(lazy[v] == identity_update)return;
st[v] = apply(st[v], lazy[v], tl, tr);
if(2*v + 1 <= 4*n){
ll tm = (tl + tr)>>1;
lazy[2*v + 1] = combineUpdate(lazy[2*v+1], lazy[v], tl, tm);
lazy[2*v + 2] = combineUpdate(lazy[2*v+2], lazy[v], tm+1,tr);
lazy[v] = identity_update;
T queryUtil(ll v, ll tl, ll tr, ll l, ll r){
if(l > r)return identity_element;
if(tr < l or tl > r){
return identity_element;
if(l <= tl and r >= tr){
return st[v];
ll tm = (tl + tr)>>1;
return combine(queryUtil(2*v+1,tl,tm,l,r), queryUtil(2*v+2,tm+1,tr,l,r));
void updateUtil(ll v, ll tl, ll tr, ll l, ll r, U upd){
if(tr < l or tl > r)return;
if(tl >=l and tr <=r){
lazy[v] = combineUpdate(lazy[v],upd,tl,tr);
} else{
ll tm = (tl + tr)>>1;
st[v] = combine(st[2*v + 1], st[2*v+2]);
void build(vector<T>a){
assert( (ll)a.size() == n);
T query(ll l, ll r){
return queryUtil(0,0,n-1,l,r);
void update(ll l,ll r, U upd){